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Journal Publications


  1. Kuznetsov P., Wei K., Kuznetsova A., Foght J., Ulrich A., and Siddique T. (2023) Anaerobic Microbial Activity May Affect Development and Sustainability of End-Pit Lakes: A Laboratory Study of Biogeochemical Aspects of Oil Sands Mine Tailings. ACS EST Water, Vol.3, Issue 4, pp.1039−1049, 2023.

  2. Allam N.E., Zakaria B.S., Kuznetsov P.V., Dhar B.R., Ulrich A.C. (2023) Mitigating methane emission from oil sands tailings using enzymatic and lime treatments. Chemosphere, Volume 313,

  3. Allam N.E., Anwar M.N., Kuznetsov P.V., Ulrich A.C., and Dhar B.R. (2022) Enzyme-assisted dewatering of oil sands tailings: significance of water chemistry and biological activity. Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 437, pp. 135162.

  4. Cossey, H.L., Anwar, N.M., Kuznetsov, P.V., Ulrich, A.C. (2021) Biofilms for turbidity mitigation in oil sands end pit lakes. Microorganisms. 9,  1443.

  5. Cossey, H.L., Batycky, A.E., Kaminsky, H., Ulrich, A.C. (2021) Geochemical stability of oil sands tailings in mine closure landforms. Minerals. 11, 830.

  6. Poon, H, Y., Cossey, H.L., Balaberda, A., Ulrich, A.C. (2021) The role of carbonate mineral dissolution in turbidity reduction in an oil sands end pit lake. Chemosphere. 271, 129876.

  7. Wei, K., Cossey, H.L., Ulrich, A.C. (2021) Effects of calcium and aluminum on particle settling in an oil sands end pit lake. Mine Water and the Environment.

  8. Lee, K. and A. Ulrich (2021) Indigenous microbial communities in Albertan sediments are capable of anaerobic benzene biodegradation under methanogenic, sulfate-reducing, nitrate-reducing, and iron-reducing redox conditions. Water Environment Research. pp. 524.

  9. Allam, N.E., Romaniuk, N., Tate, M., Meshref, M.N., Dhar, B.R. and Ulrich, A.C. (2021). Impact of lime treatment on tailings dewatering and cap water quality under an oil sands end pit lake scenario. Science of The Total Environment, 781, p.146699. 

  10. Lv, X., MA, B., Cologgi, D., Lee, K., and A. Ulrich. (2020) Naphthenic acid anaerobic biodegrading consortia enriched from pristine sediments underlying oil sands tailings ponds. J Hazard Mater. pp. 394: 122546.

  11. Lv, X., Ma, B., Lee, K., and A. Ulrich (2020) Potential syntrophic associations in anaerobic naphthenic acids biodegrading consortia inferred with microbial interactome networks. J Hazard Mater. pp. 122678.

  12. Yang X., Pardo, M.L., Ibanez, M., Deng, L, Sittoni, L., Ulrich, A., and Chen, Q. (2019) Improving engineering properties of mature fine tailings using Tubifex,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 47(7): 812-821.

  13. ​Miles, S.M., Hofstetter, S., Edwards, T., Dlusskaya, E., Cologgi, D., Ganzle, M., and A.C. Ulrich. (2019) Tolerance and cytotoxicity of naphthenic acids on microorganisms isolated from oil sands process-affected water. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 695, pp. 133749-133756.

  14. Yu X., Lee, K., and Ulrich A.C., “Model naphthenic acids removal by microalgae and base mine lake cap water microbial inoculum,” Chemosphere, Vol. 234, pp.796-805, November 2019.

  15. ​Poon H.Y., Brandon J., and Ulrich A.C., “Turbidity mitigation in an oil sands pit lake through pH reduction and fresh water addition,” ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 144, pp. 8, December 2018.

  16. ​Leigh J. P., de Grood C., Ahmed S.B., Ulrich A.C., Fiest K.M., Straus S.E., and Stelfox H.T., “Toward Gender Equity in Critical Care Medicine: A Qualitative Study of Perceived Drivers, Implications, and Strategies,” Critical Care Medicine, Vol.47, pp.286–291, April 2019.

  17. X. Yu, K. Lee, B. Ma, E. Asiedu, and A.C. Ulrich, "Indigenous microorganisms residing in oil sands tailings biodegrade residual bitumen," Chemosphere, Vol. 209, pp. 551-559, October 2018.

  18. ​X. Yu, Y. Cao, R. Sampaga, S. Rybiak, T. Burns, and A.C. Ulrich, "Accelerated dewatering and detoxification of oil sands tailings using a biological amendment," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 144, pp. 12, September 2018.

  19. ​J.S. Harkness, N.R. Warner, A. Ulrich, R. Millot, W. Kloppmann, J. Ahad, M. Savard, P. Gammon, and A. Vengosh, "Characterization of the boron, lithium, and strontium isotopic variations of oil sands process-affected water in Alberta, Canada, " Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 90, pp. 50-62, March 2018.

  20. ​J17. Mamet, S.D., Bin, M., Ulrich, A., Scryer, A., and S Siciliano, "Who is the rock miner and who is the hunter? The use of heavy-oxygen labeled phosphate (P18O4) to differentiate between C and P fluxes in a benzene-degrading consortium," Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 52, pp. 1773-1786, January 2018.

  21. ​F. Mah, T. Hnidan, E. Davies, and A. Ulrich, "Environmental risk factors for bacteriological contamination in rural drinking water wells in Samson Cree Nation," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 45, pp. 99-104, October 2017.

  22. K.F. Gee, H.Y. Poon, Z. Hashisho, and A.C. Ulrich, “Effect of naphtha diluent on greenhouse gases and reduced sulfur compound emissions from oil sands tailings,” Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 598, pp/ 916-924, X 2017.

  23. H. Zhang, J. Seaman, Y. Wang, H. Zeng, R. Narain, A.C. Ulrich, and Y. Liu, “Filtration of glycoprotein-modified carboxylated polystyrene microspheres as Cryptosporidum oocysts surrogates: effects of flowrate, alum and humic acid,” ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 143, pp. X-X, August 2017.

  24. N. Gerner, M. Kone, M. Ross, A. Pereira, A.C. Ulrich, J.W. Martin, and M. Liess, “Stream invertebrate community structure at Canadian oil sands development is linked to concentration of bitumen-derived contaminants,” Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 575, pp. 1005-1013, January 2017.

  25. X. Yang, M. Pardo, M. Ibanez, L. Deng, L. Sittoni, A. C. Ulrich, and Q. Chen, “Addition of Tubifex accelerates dewatering of oil sands tailings ,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 43, pp. 1025-1033, October 2016.

  26. H. Zhang, H. Zeng, A.C. Ulrich, and Y. Liu, “Comparison of the transport and deposition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa under aerobic and anaerobic conditions,” Water Resources Research, Vol. 52, pp. 1127-1139, February 2016.

  27. J. Ku, J. Liang, A.C. Ulrich, and Y. Liu, “Sulphide production and management in municipal stormwater retention ponds ,” ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 142, pp. 04015071, February 2016.

  28. S. Kasiri, A.C. Ulrich, and V. Prasad, "Optimization of CO2 fixation by Chlorella kessleri cultivated in a closed raceway photo-bioreactor," Bioresource Technology, Vol. 194, pp. 144-155, July 2015.

  29. S. Kasiri, A.C. Ulrich, and V. Prasad, "Kinetic modeling and optimization of carbon dioxide fixation using microalgae cultivated in oil-sands process water ," Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 137, pp. 697-711, July 2015.

  30. H. Zhang, A.C. Ulrich, and Y. Liu, “Retention and transport of an anaerobic trichloroethene dechlorinating microbial culture in anaerobic porous media ,” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Vol. 130, pp. 110-118, April 2015.

  31. S. Kasiri, V. Prasad, and A.C. Ulrich, "Strain and factor selection for carbon dioxide fixation using microalgae cultivated in oil sands process water ," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 93, pp. 631-639, April 2015.

  32. Mahdavi, H., Prasad, V., Liu, Y., and Ulrich, A.C., “In situ biodegradation of naphthenic acids in oil sands tailings pond water using indigenous algae-bacteria consortium ,” Bioresource Technology, Vol. 187, pp. 97-105, March 2015.

  33. Kasiri, S., Abdulsalam, S., A. Ulrich, and V. Prasad. 2015. "Optimization of CO2 fixation by Chlorella Kessleri using response surface methodology." Chemical Engineering Science, 127: 31-39.

  34. Brown, L.D. and A.C. Ulrich. 2015. "Oil sands naphthenic acids: A review of properties, measurement, and treatment . "Chemosphere, 127: 276-290.

  35. Small, C., Cho, S., Hashisho, Z., and A.C. Ulrich. 2015. "Emissions from oil sands tailings ponds: Review of tailings pond parameters and emission estimates. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering ," 127: 490-501.

  36. Kone, M., Cologgi, D.L., Lu, W., Smith, D.W., and A.C. Ulrich. 2013. "Pharmaceuticals in Canadian sewage treatment plant effluents and surface waters: occurrence and environmental risk assessment . "Environmental Technology Reviews, 2: 17-27.

  37. Brown, L.D., Perez-Estrada, L., Wang, N., El-Din, M.G., Martin, J.W., Fedorak, P.M., and A.C. Ulrich. 2013. "Indigenous microbes survive in situ ozonation improving biodegradation of dissolved organic matter in aged oil sands process-affected waters . "Chemosphere, 93: 2748-2755.

  38. M. Abolfazlzadehdoshanbehbazari, S.J. Birks, M.C. Moncur, and A.C. Ulrich, "Fate and transport of oil sand process-affected water into the underlying clay till: A field study," Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, "Vol. 151, pp. 83-92, August 2013.

  39. Cologgi, D., Kasiri, S., Hofstetter, S., Donoso-Bravo, A., and A.C. Ulrich. 2013. "Anaerobic Processes. "Water Environment Research, 85: 1176-1231.

  40. A.A. Holden, S.E. Haque, K.U. Mayer and A.C. Ulrich, "Biogeochemical processes controlling the mobility of major ions and trace metals in aquitard sediments beneath an oil sand tailings pond: laboratory studies and reactive transport modeling ," Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 151, pp. 55-67, August 2013.

  41. Y. Jiang, A.C. Ulrich, and Y. Liu, "Coupling bioelectricity generation and oil sands tailings treatment using microbial fuel cells," Bioresource Technology, Vol. 139, pp. 349-354, July 2013.

  42. H. Mahdavi, Y. Liu, and A.C. Ulrich "Partitioning and bioaccumulation of metals from oil sands process affected water in indigenous Parachlorella kessleri," Chemosphere, Vol. 90, pp. 1893-1899, February 2013.

  43. W. Lu, A. Ewanchuk, L. Perez-Estrada, D. Sego, and A.C. Ulrich, "Limitation of fluorescence spectrophotometry in the measurement of naphthenic acids in oil sands process water ," Vol. 48, pp. 429-436, February 2013.

  44. M. Stewart, A. Holden, M.E. Haveroen, and A.C. Ulrich, "Quantification of hydrocarbon contaminants in meltwater and sediment in a city snow pile ," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 139, pp. 295-301, February 2013.

  45. A.A. Holden, K.U. Mayer, and A.C. Ulrich, "Evaluating methods for quantifying cation exchange in mildly calcareous sediments in Northern Alberta ," Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 27, pp. 2511-2523, December 2012.

  46. S. Kasiri, F. Mah, C. Zhang, M. Haveroen, S. Ellsworth, and A.C. Ulrich, "Anaerobic Processes ," Water Environment Research, Vol. 84, pp. 1217-1285, October 2012.

  47. H. Mahdavi, A.C. Ulrich, Y. Liu, "Metal removal from oil sands tailings pond water by indigenous micro-alga," Chemosphere, Vol. 89, pp. 350-354, September 2012.

  48. O. Iwakun, A.C. Ulrich, K. Biggar, and D. Sego, "Groundwater geochemical characterization of a fuel-contaminated fractured bedrock in a permafrost environment ," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 138, pp. 958-971, September 2012.

  49. C.C. Small, A.C. Ulrich, and Z. Hashisho, "Adsorption of acid extractable oil sands tailings organics onto raw and activated oil sands coke ," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 138, pp. 833-840, August 2012.

  50. C.C. Small, Z. Hashisho, and A.C. Ulrich, "Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from oil sands coke ," Fuel, Vol. 92, pp. 69-76, February 2012.

  51. E.A. Evans, K.M. Evans, A.C. Ulrich, and S. Ellsworth, "Anaerobic Processes ,"Water Environment Research, Vol. 82, pp. 1285-1332, October 2011.

  52. A. Holden, R. Donahue, and A.C. Ulrich, "Geochemical interactions between process-affected water from oil sands tailings pond and North Alberta surficial sediments ," Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol.119, pp. 55-68, January 2011.

  53. E.A. Evans, K.M. Evans, A.C. Ulrich, S. Ellsworth, and W. Khan, "Anaerobic Processes ," Water Environment Research, Vol. 82, pp. 1235-1287, October 2010.

  54. A.C. Ulrich, K. Tappenden, J. Armstrong, and K.W. Biggar, "Effect of cold temperature on the rate of natural attenuation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the three isomers of xylene (BTEX) ," Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 47, pp. 516-527, May 2010.

  55. E.A. Evans, K.M. Evans, A.C. Ulrich, S. Ellsworth, and H. Abbasnezhad, "Anaerobic processes". Water Environment Research, Vol. 81, pp.1293-1345, October 2009.

  56. A.C. Ulrich, S.E. Guigard, J.M. Foght, K. Semple, K. Pooley, J. Armstrong, and K.W. Biggar, "Effect of salt on aerobic biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated groundwater ," Biodegradation, Vol. 20, pp. 27-38, February 2009.

  57. S.A. Mancini, C.E. Devine, M. Elsner, M.E. Nandi, A.C. Ulrich, E.A. Edwards, and B. Sherwood Lollar, "Isotopic evidence for different initial reaction mechanisms for anaerobic benzene biodegradation ," Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 42, pp. 8290-8296, October 2008.

  58. A.C. Ulrich, H.R. Beller, and E.A. Edwards, "Metabolites detected during biodegradation of 13C6‑benzene in nitrate-reducing and methanogenic enrichment cultures ," Environmental Science Technologies, Vol. 39, pp. 6681-6691, July 2005.

  59. A.C. Ulrich, and E.A. Edwards, "Physiological and molecular characterization of anaerobic benzene-degrading mixed cultures ," Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 5, pp. 92-102, March 2003.

  60. S.A. Mancini, A.C. Ulrich, G. Lacrampe-Couloume, B. Sleep, E.A. Edwards, and B. Sherwood Lollar, "Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation during anaerobic biodegradation of benzene," Applied Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 69, pp. 191-198, January 2003.


Conference Proceedings

  1. Balaberda, A., Ulrich, A.C. (2022) Remediation of oil sands naphthenic acids by activated persulfate oxidation and biodegradation. In AB Fourie, M Tibbett & G Boggs (eds), Mine Closure 2022: 15th International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 479-486,

  2. Cossey, H.L., Kuznetsov, P.V., Ulrich, A.C. (2021) Evaluating the biogeochemical and consolidation behavior of oil sands end pit lakes with accelerated aging. In NA Beier, GW Wilson, DC Sego (eds), Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, University of Alberta Geotechnical Center & Oil Sands Tailings Research Facility (OSTRF), Edmonton, Canada, pp. 793-802.

  3. Lissinna, C., Nokes, C., Hrynyk, T., Ulrich, A. (2018) Human Resources Procedures for the Advancement of Gender Parity in Student Space Mission Projects. 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany, pp. 1.

  4. Kabwe, L.K, Wilson, G.W., Scott, J.D., Beier, N.A., Kone, M. and Ulrich, A.C. 2018. “Geochemical characterization of a 10 m FFT standpipe on decommissioning.” 6th International Oil Sands Tailings Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, pp. 16.

  5. Yang, X., M. de Lucas Pardo, L. Deng, A. Ulrich, L. Sittoni, and Q. Chen (2015) “Tubifex: A biological method for dewatering oil sands tailings.” Proceedings of the Tailings and Mine Waste Conference, Vancouver, BC, pp. 9.

  6. Cao, E., Sampaga, R, Olubodun, A., Burns, T., and Ulrich, A. (2014) “Bioamendment of oil sands mature fine tailings accelerated dewatering and improved release water quality.” Proceedings of the 4th International Oil Sands Conference, Lake Louise, Alberta, pp. 369-375.

  7. Brandon, J., Lu, W., Duong, V., and Ulrich, A. (2014) “Impact of CO2 addition on initial base mine lake water clarity.” Proceedings of the 4th International Oil Sands Conference, Lake Louise, Alberta, pp. 351-358.

  8. Miles, S., Cologgi, D., and Ulrich, A. (2014) “Degradation of naphthenic acids at 20oC and 10oC by a Pseudomonas sp. native to an oil sands tailings pond.” Proceedings of the 4th International Oil Sands Conference, Lake Louise, Alberta, pp. 377-383.

  9. L.K. Kabwe, M. Kone, A. Sorta, G.W. Wilson, J.D. Scott, A.C. Ulrich, "Measurements of Unsaturated Soil Properties of Old and New Mature Fine Tailings," Mine Closure Conference, pp. 159-170, Cornwall, UK, September 2013.

  10. T.T. Ho, M. Gupta, M.T. Taschuk, M. Alostaz, A,.Ulrich, D.C. Sego, D. Dolling, D. Woeller, Y.Y. Tsui, "Fluorescence Spectrophotometer for Cone-Penetrometer Applications," Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Oil Sands Tailings Conference, pp. 165-172, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, December 2012.

  11. M. Stewart, M.E. Haveroen, T. Hnidan, A. Holden, A.C. Ulrich, "Quantification and characterization of contaminants in meltwater at Edmonton snow storage facilities," Proceedings of the Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, pp. 424-433, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 2012.

  12. M. Kone, S. Haque, E. Dlusskaya, A.C. Ulrich, and K.U. Mayer, "Geochemical Processes Mediating the Distribution and Mobilization of Major Ions and Trace Metals in the Wood Creek Sand Channel: A Laboratory Column Study". Proceedings of the Geohydro 2011 Conference, pp. 2244-2250 Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 28-31.

  13. S. Kasiri, A. Ulrich, V. Prasad, and A. Ben-Zvi, "Evaluation of Renewable Energy Sources for Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Operation," Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Unconventional Oils and the Environment, pp. 175-182, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 2011.

  14. H. Mahdavi, A.C. Ulrich, and Y. Liu, "Metal Removal from Tailings Pond Water using Indigenous Micro-Algae," Proceedings of the 2nd International Oil Sands Tailings Conference, pp. 279-284, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, December 2010.

  15. C.C. Small, A.C. Ulrich, and Z. Hashisho, Z. "The Adsorption of Naphthenic Acids from Oil Sands Process-Affected Tailings Water using Activated Petroleum Coke". Proceedings of the 2nd International Oil Sands Tailings Conference, pp. 285-292, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, December 2010.

  16. A. Ewanchuk, A.C. Ulrich, and D. Sego, "Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) of Naphthenic Acids in Process-Affected Water, " Proceedings of the 2nd International Oil Sands Tailings Conference, pp. 205-212, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, December 2010.

  17. M.T. Taschuk, Q. Wang, S. Drake, A. Ewanchuk, M. Gupta, M. Alostaz, A.C. Ulrich, D. Sego, and Y. Tsui, "Miniature Naphthenic Acid Sensors for Oil Sands Applications" Proceedings of the 2nd International Oil Sands Tailings Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, December 2010.

  18. C.C. Small, Z. Hashisho, and A.C. Ulrich, "The Use of Activated and Produced Oil Sands Coke for the Potential Treatment of Process-Affected Mine Tailings Water". Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association's Annual Conference and Exhibition, pp. 2226-2240, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 2010.

  19. A. Holden, R. Donahue, and A.C. Ulrich, "The Geochemical Impact of Seepage from an Oil Sands Tailings Impoundment upon Groundwater Resources," Proceedings of the 7th International IAHS Groundwater Quality Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2010.

  20. L. Brown, M. Alostaz, and A.C. Ulrich, "Capacity for Sorption of Naphthenic Acids from Oil Sands Process-Affected Water to Soils from Athabasca Oil Sands Region". Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, pp. 487-497, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 2009.

  21. A.M. Ewanchuk, M. Alostaz, A.C. Ulrich, and D.C. Sego, "Fluorescence Characterization of Oil Sands Naphthenic Acids," Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, pp. 475-485, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 2009.

  22. A. Holden, R. Donahue, and A.C. Ulrich, "Geochemical Interactions between Process- Affected Water and Native Soils in Fort McMurray" Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, pp. 513-526, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 2009.

  23. A. Holden, T. Tompkins, S. Haque, L. Perez, H. Sutherland, M. Bowron, J.F. Barker, K.W. Biggar, R.B. Donahue, K.U. Mayer, J.W. Martin, C. Mendoza, D.C. Sego, and A.C. Ulrich, "Fate and Transport of Process-Affected Water in Out-of-Pit Tailings Ponds in the Oil Sands Industry in Canada" Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, pp. 527-539, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 2009.

  24. C.C. Small, A.C. Ulrich, and Z. Hashisho, "Potential Use of Carbonaceous Materials for the Treatment of Process-Affected Water" Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, pp. 499-511, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 2009.

  25. M. Abolfazlzadehdoshsnbehbazari, A. Falamaki, and A.C. Ulrich, "Estimation of Soil Distribution Coefficient using Artificial Neural Networks Modeling for Chromium Contaminated Water". Proceedings of the 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint IAH-CNC/CGS Groundwater Conference, pp. 1086-1092, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, September 2009.

  26. L. Brown, M. Alostaz, and A.C. Ulrich, "Characterization of Oil Sands Naphthenic Acids in Oil Sands Process-Affected Waters using Fluorescence Technology" Proceedings of the 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint IAH-CNC/CGS Groundwater Conference, pp. 659-665, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, September 2009.

  27. A. Ojekanmi, L. Brown, M. Alostaz, and A.C. Ulrich, "Modelling the flow of Oil Sands Process-Affected Water in Clay Till Formation" Proceedings of the 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 10th Joint IAH-CNC/CGS Groundwater Conference, pp. 1165-1171, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, September 2009.

  28. A.C. Ulrich, K.W. Biggar, J. Armstrong, K. VanStempvoort, and P. Rogers, "Impact of Cold Temperatures on Biodegradation Rates," Proceedings of the 59th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 7th Joint IAH-CNC/CGS Groundwater Specialty Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 2006.




  1. Brown, L. and A.C. Ulrich, “Protocols for Measurement of Naphthenic Acids in Aqueous Samples” in Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols, Springer Protocols Handbook. Edited by T.J. McGenity, K. N. Timmis, and B. Nogales, Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017, pp: 201-216.

  2. Brown, L. and A.C. Ulrich, (2015) "Chapter 15: Bioremediation of Oil Spills on Land" in Handbook of Oil Spill Science and Technology, First Edition. Edited by Merv Fingas, Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2015, pp: 397-406.


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