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Past Teaching


Dr. Ulrich has experience teaching undergraduate and graduate courses. From this underlying philosophy flows her attitude towards teaching: encouraging independent and analytical thought, promoting teamwork and shared learning, providing a balance between fundamental research and practical applications, and, most importantly, inspiring and motivating students in their quest for knowledge.

















Undergraduate Courses


ENV E 220 - Environmental Chemistry for Engineering


Survey of basic principles of analytical, inorganic, and organic chemistry with emphasis on environmental engineering applications. Laboratory measurements related to water quality.


ENV E 322 - Environmental Protection


Common sources of subsurface contamination and associated contaminant characteristics. Application of ESA standards and the Alberta Environment Tier I and II Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines. Soil cross-sections, groundwater elevation contour maps, groundwater flow calculations and contaminant transport calculations.


















Graduate Courses


CIV E 624 - Biological Waste Treatment Processes


Study of the theoretical and applied aspects of wastewater treatment by activated sludge, fixed and moving biological films, conventional and aerated lagoons, sludge digestion, septic tanks, land treatment, and nutrient removal. Guidelines, regulations, and economics. System analysis and design of facilities.


CIV E 728 - Water and Wastewater Treatment


Theory, design, and application of new or alternative processes for treatment of water and wastewater, including ozone, chlorine dioxide, ultraviolet radiation, advanced oxidation, membrane and others.

Copyright © 2020 Ania Ulrich. All rights reserved.

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